Friday, December 9, 2011


Quick note:

With pocket diapers, you have the option to use a combo of different inserts. Babies will usually be able to use only 1 microfibre or natural fibre insert up to about 5-6 months. When your diaper starts to leak, it will be because the baby's bladder is bigger and it's time to move up to two inserts (or a 2 or 3 fold insert) and never look back. My favorite combo is the microfibre on top of a natural fibre. Microfibre wicks away the moisture the fastest and the natural fibre holds it the longest. A three fold hemp insert is perfect overnight for your bigger babies - it goes HOURS and HOURS.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dry Pail vs. Soaking

So, when stockpiling dirty diapers before laundry day, what do you do with them? Do you put them in a pail with some kind of solution or vinegar or do you just throw them in a bag or bucket?

PLEASE - do a dry pail.

Soaking: this is an antiquated method that makes one feel like they are making a step toward cleaning the diapers - but it is actually creating a breeding ground for bacterial growth. The amount of sanitizing solution - or vinegar needed to keep the bacteria away is so much, it isn't worth the effort.

Dry Pail: not only is this a more sanitary option, it is also EASIER. Take a soiled diaper of any kind, throw it in a pail and put a (non-air tight) lid on it. Don't leave them for more than 3 days. If a diaper is really soiled (either with pee or poo), you can hand rinse it in a sink and wring it out really well and stick it in the dry pail.

Tip 1: A diaper sprayer on your toilet can help eliminate unwanted crusties. I recommend taking the inserts out of a pocket diaper before make it a big soppy mess.

Tip 2: Flushable liners that you lie in the pocket diaper are a really nice way to deal with the majority of the poop. (I sell these, of course)

Tip 3: My favorite new step in dealing with dirty diapers - the RINSE CYCLE! After 2 days, I throw all the diapers in and do a quick rinse/spin cycle and throw them back in the diaper pail - it buys me some time and the pail doesn't get quite as stinky.

Stinky diaper pail: they sell sprays to eliminate odors, and cleaning after laundry day is a good idea and if you are using a diaper pail liner, you can wash it - so that's nice. My tip is have some kind of non-toxic room spray in your laundry room. After every time I open the lid, I give a spritz or too and the odor goes away really quick.

Please post your comments!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Stripping Diaper Funk

All cloth diapering parents will eventually complain about a funky smell that they can't seem to wash out of their diapers. It goes beyond the ammonia smell of pee - it's a smell that as soon as the baby pees in the diaper, makes it seem like the diaper was not even clean to begin with!

I have scoured the website, and explored numerous options and found success in this:
Degreasing for Stripping as well as LOTS of water!

Stripping is the term used for a process that parents will use every few months to strip their diapers of all (potential) build ups of detergents and build ups of human waste.

Urine especially, has a greasy component to it that is not commonly removed by detergents - including the chemical based kinds. Detergents are made to dissolve dirt and clean cloth, but detergents are not strong degreasers.

Their is a tip on the web to use Dawn - that detergent has a degreasing component, and since it is a chemical based detergent, it should be used VERY infrequently.

Anyone who is familiar with my blog, knows that I love the Soap Exchange and they have a product that is a fabulous degreaser and non-toxic. It is their All-Purpose Solution (so fabulous you can use it to clean your whole house too!).

Here is how I strip my diapers:

Step 1 - COLD wash no detergent
Step 2 - HOT wash with 2 Tbps or 3 capfuls of All Purpose Cleaner
Step 3 - A full rinse cycle (warm, hot, cold doesn't matter, though hot is best)
Step 4 - dry your diapers as per usual.

Check it out and give me your feedback!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thoughts for New Parents:

Listen to your instincts. They rarely betray you. Plus, living with NOT listening to your gut is never fun.

Listen to the advice of others but know you don’t have to use it. A well-intended friend or stranger might just be the thing to give you the resources you need to be a better parent. Or, it might simply be a way to connect with someone through their experiences.

Discern when “advice” is really criticism. Have the grace to forgive and not take it to heart.

This is your turn! We can make choices for our families that work best for us practically, and that bring us the most joy and reward. Others have had or will have their own turns, so we don’t have to make the exact choices that they made, even if they are our own parents.

Go easy on yourself. Make plans and have ideals of how you would like to create and love a family but don’t be disappointed if you respond differently to certain circumstances. There are no perfect parents.

In my life, the key is to put God first, and in His wisdom and love I will create an atmosphere of peace and exuberant joy in my home that my children will always remember.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cloth Diaper Mythbusters/ Excusebusters!

I will be posting a series on Cloth Diapering Myths. Shoot me your questions and I can see if it fits the category and get you an answer! I want to demonstrate that there are no viable barriers to switching to cloth!!

Myth #1 - the start up costs are very high!

False! Affordable Baby Gear got started for this reason alone. 2-3 months worth of disposable diapers will get you into cloth no problem. The buy 15 and get a free gift deal is enough to do cloth, and the $170 diaper package is all you would ever need and some of the bells and whistles that make it a little easier.

Myth #2 - it will make my already busy life more complicated!

False! There are the same number of diaper changes in a day with a good quality cloth that you have with a disposable. Unlike disposables, if a baby poops, and you have a liner and clear the poop, if they haven't peed, you can keep using the diaper. The only real lifestyle change is the laundry, and it is SO much simpler than one thinks. Because I have a child, I do laundry every 2-3 days anyways, so it hasn't changed my laundry habits, it's just one extra load on laundry day.

Myth #3 - using cloth diapers when you go out is inconvenient and messy.

False! First of all, babies often get to a stage where they can go quite awhile without a change. I know of lots of babies that poop during a nap, so they don't always have a poop when they are out. I haven't had to change my daughter on a trip out in months! Anyway, even if you do, change the diaper as per usual, tuck it in a small wet bag, throw it in your diaper bag and deal with it when you get home. It's not a stress or an inconvenience any more than changing a cloth diaper at home.

Myth #4 - my baby will get a rash.

Not unless you are using the cloth diapers incorrectly. Cloth diapers need to be washed with only certain types of detergents (you can use them on all your clothes, and they don't have to be an expensive buy), so if the diapers have a build up of any type of detergent, especially the chemical-based ones, it can cause a rash. It can also cause a rash to have a baby in a wet or soiled diaper for too long - just like disposables. As well, most disposables have had harsh chemicals used to make them, so they are often a worse offender for rashes.

More coming soon.... Let me know what your concerns are and we will see if they are myth or fact!

Monday, June 20, 2011

What's the dif?

Cloth diapers have a HUGE amount of variations, but it's usually in the following categories:

As I only carry pocket diapers (except the prefold system), those are the three categories I have used to describe the differences and similarities of our diapers. The choice comes down to function, yes, but mainly personal preference in style and material.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Diaper Package only $180!!

I am SO excited about this diaper package. First of all, the fact that I can say to someone: "You can cloth diaper your baby, for less than $200, including some bells and whistles" is incredible to me!! I love that! So I have an incredible package deal for anyone that is interested having a great stash of various styles of diapers. All of these are winners, so the variety is not a compromise!
This will be the same list for the rental package (except a couple of the items will need to be purchased for you to keep - the diaper liners and the soap bar). More details about that coming soon. Please give us feedback if there is something else you want to see in this package.

2 Kawaii (KA) Cotton Chinese Prefolds (includes 1 Nappy Fastener FREE)
2 KA Bamboo Minky: Mom Label
2 KA Goodnight Heavy Wetter One Size Pocket Diaper
2 KA One Size Heavy Duty Pocket Diaper Suede Cloth Inner
2 KA One Size Snap Closure Pocket Diaper - Fun Print Snap
2 KA One Size Snap Closure Pocket Diaper - Original Cross-Over Squared Tab Snap
2 KA One Size Snap Closure Pocket Diaper: Round Tab Snap
2 KA One Size Snazzy Minky Pocket Diaper
2 KA Pure & Natural (0-15 Months) Pocket Diaper
2 KA Training Pants
2 KA Diaper covers

(Kawaii pocket diapers come with 2 free inserts, Comfyrumps 1 free insert)
1 AMP Hemp booster
1 AMP Hemp 3 fold
2 Thirsties Hemp/Cotton insert or 1 3 fold AMP Bamboo or 2 KA Bamboo boosters

1 AppleCheeks diaper liners
FREE Bunchafarmers stain-free soap bar
FREE - sample of Soap Exchange detergent (4 loads, top loader; 2 loads, front loader)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New LOGO!!

We are just a couple of weeks from our big launch June 15th, where I will have a WEBSITE! (still under ugly construction). But in the mean time, here is the Affordable Baby Gear logo!


Want a solution for inbetween diapers and undies?
Try our training pants! They come in great colours!

Product Description:
Outer fabric- High Quality Waterproof TPU fabric, Lightweght and breathable

Inner Lining - Super soft flannel with 3 layers of padding

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chinese Prefold Diapers

These true Chinese prefold are the most economical yet versatile cloth diaper. They are a large 100% cotton, twill weave and unbleached cloth that is soft, durabile, absorbent and resistant to pilling. You can choose between red or green stitching. They are used with a diaper cover.

The prefold diaper offers a lot of variety for a snug fit. You can fold them different ways to accommodate size of babe and the focal area of wetness (for sleeping, or while awake). You put a cover over them, and they are an affordable alternative for those newborn days.
The one down side to a pocket diaper, is that they don't have a layer of fleece or suede that wicks away the moisture from the baby's skin. Some moms have cut pieces of fleece to address this issue. Note: not all fleece is created to absorb - some might just have the moisture bead right off of it and run out the legs.

12 Chinese Prefold with free package of nappy fasteners $19.00!!
1 diaper cover $4.50

PACKAGE DEAL: 1 pack of 12 prefold diapers with nappy fasteners & 12 diaper covers $68.50 - that's 1 free cover!!!

I have posted a few quick videos below that show some different ways to fold them.

Prefold 101
Prefold 102
Prefold 103

Friday, May 27, 2011

Product/Business Highlight

Hello my two followers ;)

As seen in the name of my business, I am huge fan of quality, affordable products. To launder my clothes and cloth diapers, I am "sold" on the soap exchange detergent. It is Canadian made (woo hoo!) and has no fillers, comes in unscented or a light lemon scent (which I love) and it is great value for a great price (especially the more you buy).
Here's the link to the Victoria Soap Exchange where you can see/read about their other enviro perks as well.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday Fun - Toys from Household Items

Just for "Wedensday Fun" please comment and share what household items have been turned into toys!

My contributions: the circular tins of tea make a great gong sound if a couple of pebbles get thrown in.

Please share your stories!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I have a domain name! now belongs to us! Now I just need to get my logo finished, and get the products and e-commerce set up. This is very exciting. It's like my new baby, but this one doesn't throw stuff at me in the high chair, get snot on all my clothes, and kick me while getting changed. BUuuut, this one also doesn't have the sweetest personality and the cutest little face I have ever seen.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our "Baby" is Born

Welcome to the Affordable Baby Gear company blog. We are just revving our engines, setting our main site with payment options, posting all of our merchandise, getting the word out!

Our main product is a nice selection of great quality cloth diapers. They are mainly pocket diapers, and we have velcro and snap options, chinese pre-folds and some cloth diaper accessories.

We will also be carrying some super cool headbands and necklaces for the tiny ladies, an enviro-friendly potty, and other sweet treats. We are sourcing out very cool gear that we can sell to you at extremely affordable prices - because that is our goal: to make cool, useful gear available to all moms!

Please let us know contact us with comments, feedback, advice, product reviews, etc. whenever you have the time (in between potty training, feeding, damage control and most importantly, administering love and affection)!
